Angry Titans ONI Bootcamp

Table of Contents

Welcome to our Crib

The Angry Titans ONI had a blast at our Headquaters in Krefeld. But why the assemble at all? 
To undergo a brutal and relentless Bootcamp…

Klaatu Verata Oxy…, owl, …orb…darn it! It´s an o-word, it´s definitly an o-word…

Ok joke aside, we don’t awaken the Army of Darkness. Of course each of you still remembers our post about our super strong and incredibly talented Angry Titans ONI squad. 

As soon as our male team has disappeared into the void, the Angry Titans ONI is drawn to our facilities for a whole week in August to start a boot camp. After all, we also have a lot to offer here. Welcome to our crib, let me show you around. 

Our HQ in Krefeld is located above the gaming bar and the offices of TaKteTV, The birthplace of the Angry Titans and the Angry Titans ONI. Oh yes, by the way, a Happy belated Birthday to us, the Angry Titans were launched on August 23, 2017. Here’s to five more exciting years.

Anyhoo, in the bar itself there is a stateofthe-art kitchen in which our orga and players can let off steam and get creative, of course in addition to the usual catering. And if you are in a rush, there is always a stash of our sponsors Löwenanteil, heat up briefly and enjoy a balanced meal that keeps your head clear in no time

Within a stone’s throw there is a gym area with professional training equipment such as rowing machines, dumbbell racks and a weight bench. In order to be fit on the keyboard and to keep your head stress free, you need a healthy body. A healthy Body provides a healthy and sharp mind and vice versa.

If you are now curious, then take a look at one of our cooking clips. Here Epzz throws himself behind the stove and shows you how to make Kottbuller

The Vault - The Angry Titans Bootcamp

Beneath the bar is the Gaming Vault. Here we have set up our own great boot camp. Isn’t it gorgeous? Just look at it, LOOK AT IT!


The Vault is divided into the scrim area in which mainly training takes place and the analyst area. 


In the analyst area, the team can analyze the performance in replays with the coach after the games. 


Thanks to our fritz-kola refrigerator, cold drinks are also provided during these strenuous sessions. Hydrate yourselves!


And that finally brings us to the Angry Titans ONI Bootcamp. 

One Week time

However, before it went onto the keyboards for some delicious scrims, the ONI´s were warmly received by our organization.

As the first official act, Blossom, F4INT, Lenam0n, jjeonda, and Coach CaZ arrived on Friday 12th of August in the evening and moved right away into the gaming flat on the top floor of the Angry Titans HQ . 

After a short set-up, everybody went to toast on a great week ahead and share a meal together.
Salty joined the rest in the next morning because of her longer journey, but this did not affect the anticipation of the others for the coming days

The days were well prepared and structured. Every morning began with a breakfast together to recharge the batteries for the day. If you liked, you could also sweat a bit after the breakfast under the guidance of the team manager in the gym area. 

Everybody fed? Great! 
Next: The warm up. Several rounds in Valorants deathmatchmode, followed by scrims. 

The scrims were only interrupted by lunch and dinner, that means „highest concentration“ throughout the day.

A final match was played after dinner followed by discussion in the Analyst Area. The rest of the evening was at the free disposal of the players. Some continued to play solo/duo and others took the chance to recharge their batteries and catch some zzz´s. 

On day five of the boot camp, there was only evening scrimming, as the whole day was designed as a media day. Here, content was produced for our social media channels and our sponsors. For impressions, just take a look at our Angry Titans Twitter game.

But wait, there´s more

Day six was used for an excursion with a tour to the German Sports University of Cologne and a couple hours of test marathon with regard to fine motor skills, ability to concentrate, eye courses, and a fitness test (spiroergometry). So everything that is relevant for success in esport.

Thoughts on the Angry Titans Bootcamp

At the end of the week, everyone was noticeably exhausted, but also satisfied with what they had achieved.  

Salty: „It was the first time I met the girls and I don’t want to miss the experience! We had a lot of fun, but also exhausting days. In fact, many things that affect the team and/or our game could be addressed better in boot camp than just in front of the PC via Voice only. 

Being able to look everybody in the eyes while communicating really changes a lot. I think we made a good leap. At least I hope so“, Salty laughed. 

And what was the atmosphere like in general?  

„Everyone was friendly, accommodating and open to us, took great care of us and made you feel like family from day 1; you could laugh a lot together; also very grateful about the supply (sleeping places, food / drink etc.). AT and the people from TaKeTV provided us with an environment where I felt very comfortable, and concentrate on one thing, improving my and our Game”